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Vegan in the Hood LLC @ Yum Village West Village

الثلاثاء، ٠١ تشرين الثاني


Yum Village West Village

Starting Tuesday Nov 1st and every Monday and Tuesday after Vegan in the Hood LLC will be at 8029 Agnes St (near Van Dyke). We will be running both our menu and Yum Village's menu those days. The hours will be 11am to 8pm

Registration is closed
See other events
Vegan in the Hood LLC @ Yum Village West Village
Vegan in the Hood LLC @ Yum Village West Village

الوقت والموقع

٠١ تشرين الثاني ٢٠٢٢، ١١:٠٠ ص – ٨:٠٠ م

Yum Village West Village, 8029 Agnes St, Detroit, MI 48214, USA


نبذة عن الحدث

We finalized the talks with the Owner of Yum Village. Starting Tuesday Nov 1st and every Monday and Tuesday after Vegan in the Hood LLC will be at 8029 Agnes St (near Van Dyke). We will be running both our menu and Yum Village's menu those days. The hours will be 11am to 8pm which is the normal hours for this location Monday thru Saturday. We are located in the old DVS West Village building. We will also have our GrubHub and UberEats tablets running along with their DoorDash and GrubHub tablets like always. The 1st we will not yet be at a full menu but we hope to be at full capacity by the next week

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شكرا للتقديم!

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